Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tanning Remove Acne Scars

They come again and again, the tender touches in life - sometimes quite unintentionally and unexpectedly - starting with us often nudge from the soft dog muzzles some to cuddle ...: o)) .. our Minie is there such a champion of it - angel soft and smooth - an incredibly soft dog lady!
We here in the Mainz area are precisely in the 5th Season - that is Carnival - I have nothing to do but so does my youngest this year are now "fully there".
mother bring-and-get-taxi service, and with such mundane things as "glue-Me-Mal-Die - eyelashes, and paint-Me-Mal-the-nails working - well, what does not do anything for his breeding ....: o))-Women Piggy is this year!
I am dealing with rather Meanwhile, other things - a little recommendation for all
the joy of art and literature have and / or "only woman", are a wonderful book, even to give away.
Na and where I did not vobei-2nd Part of Nicky Epstein - thank God in German - beautiful beautiful patterns for borders and applications!
Great, but caution: addictive!
And my mood Li-La-cloth will go on long trip away .... gaaaaaaaaaaanz far - I hope the Jeniger will be pleased about this cashmere dream.

Now all you still have a happy and hilarious weekend with and without Helau and Allaf!


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