Monday, March 7, 2011

Were Can I Print Of Fake Abortion Papers

Church women's organizations present visions of International Women

In a joint manifesto on the occasion of the 100th International Women's Day, called for the Women's Commission, the Women's Department and the Catholic Women's Movement of the Diocese of Innsbruck equal rights for women in all cultures and religions - especially in the Roman Catholic Church "- as they said in a press release of the diocese on Monday.
"Mirjam skin on the drum" at the public event on International Women's Day, 8 March, in the Innsbruck Meeting House, the visions and claims at a women's breakfast at 9 clock explained in detail.
Full article on>>

Visions of International Women

women - religion - society

We want to live in a world, respectful of

  • the spiritual traditions of women in all cultures and religions and developed
  • develop women their spirituality individually and jointly released can
  • the sexes in the various religions and religious communities equally
  • to women and men the same criteria for access to offices and services, especially in the Roman Catholic Church apply
  • people not "in the name of God 'manipulated religiously suicide candidates and bombers will live but in freedom, self determination and community can
  • the spiritual dimension of the careful handling of animals and plants, with the Earth and the cosmos includes
  • the different religions, beliefs, churches and spiritual communities the enriching perceive each other and work together towards a peaceful and equitable coexistence

For 100 years, women demand at the International Women's Day their rights (see www .20000 ). The Women's Commission 20000frauen based on the concerns of the International Women's Day and the platform.

The Women's Commission will affirm the rights of women in religious and spiritual realm:

In Article 18 of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or to change his belief, and freedom to manifest religion or belief, alone or in community with others, to confess in public or private teaching, practice, worship and observance. "(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Our vision of the relationship between women, religion and society put flesh on the human rights article for the religious sector. The Declaration calls for freedom, peace and justice for all people, in the Epistle to the Romans 14:17 is the kingdom of God is described as justice, peace and joy.

Source: Women's Commission of the Diocese of Innsbruck

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Closet Light With Motion Sensor

renewal "spiritual assistant of Caritas" is an elegant place

Already on 20 January 2011 I have about the possible imminent release of Rev. Martin Probst Korpitsch as assistant minister of Caritas reports>>

What many do not believe could or would has now taken a concrete shape and Martin Korpitsch is about to release at Caritas. Both Korpitsch themselves as well as his designated successor, Pastor Günther Kroiss this in the Ö1 broadcast "Religion - Practice and society" of 4 March 2011 indicated.

pastor Rev. Martin Korpitsch expressed the view that "by September or January to take a new clerical assistant the task". The possible candidate Pastor Günther Krois has "requested that the transition is different a weng'l want to talk with interested parties and that there is an orderly handover."

Bishop Aegidius Zsifkovics said at personnel changes always stressed the importance of "trust people". Consequently, the most recognized, committed and competent Caritas pastor Martin Korptisch obviously not trust the bishop.

Tanning Remove Acne Scars

They come again and again, the tender touches in life - sometimes quite unintentionally and unexpectedly - starting with us often nudge from the soft dog muzzles some to cuddle ...: o)) .. our Minie is there such a champion of it - angel soft and smooth - an incredibly soft dog lady!
We here in the Mainz area are precisely in the 5th Season - that is Carnival - I have nothing to do but so does my youngest this year are now "fully there".
mother bring-and-get-taxi service, and with such mundane things as "glue-Me-Mal-Die - eyelashes, and paint-Me-Mal-the-nails working - well, what does not do anything for his breeding ....: o))-Women Piggy is this year!
I am dealing with rather Meanwhile, other things - a little recommendation for all
the joy of art and literature have and / or "only woman", are a wonderful book, even to give away.
Na and where I did not vobei-2nd Part of Nicky Epstein - thank God in German - beautiful beautiful patterns for borders and applications!
Great, but caution: addictive!
And my mood Li-La-cloth will go on long trip away .... gaaaaaaaaaaanz far - I hope the Jeniger will be pleased about this cashmere dream.

Now all you still have a happy and hilarious weekend with and without Helau and Allaf!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pajama Theme Invite Wording 10 Years Old


The only thing we do in our lives usually do not take seriously
enough, the joy and humor.
Phil Bosmans

Lord, give me a sense of humor:
Give me the grace to understand a joke,
so I know a little happiness in life
and must continue to give them another.
Thomas More

humor and Patience are the camels, with whom I come
through the desert.
Phil Bosmans

cheerful quotes from John XXIII.

He said: My guardian angel tells me often:
John do not take up so important!

When asked how many people work in the Vatican, Pope John
answered: about half!
Without some "holy madness do not grow the church!

Pope can be anyone. The best evidence for this is myself

called Christian faith: Serenity, peace and devotion to God.

I never have seen a pessimist useful work to do for the world.

I'm not important as my predecessor Pope, I am not a good Pope - look at only my ears - but you're going to well with me.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rasta Colors Fake Nails

"We have a home in the parish and with the relatives played priest"

I publish here a link to yesterday - very interesting - post on Ö1 the Eisenstadt diocese in the program "Religion - practice and society."

The paper starts with 17:36 - you can move the play-mark with the mouse on - that takes 23 minutes, and 7 days (until 03.12.2011) online through this link to be heard.

Dear Readers! Furthermore, if you are interested in the post, please contact me.

Ö1 The message>>

Write A Community Service Letter To Judge

tonight in Ö1 "Burgenland: Diocese of Intent"

Almost half a year he was ordained a bishop Egidius Zsifkovics. The Croat was previously Secretary General of the Austrian Bishops' Conference, as bishop, he met personnel decisions that ensure the Diocese of great resentment. That a new bishop appoints new staff - as they are the critics agree - is his business. The way in which people were deposed from their posts is, however, the focus of criticism.

announcement Broadcast "practice - Religion and Society">>

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Leaking Before I Get My Period

Bishop Zsifkovics vs. Pastor Jester

Alfons P. Jestin (pastor of Maria village and Bernstein) has resigned at the end of June 2010 from his post as dean of the Deanery Pinkafeld. On 5 January 2011 I reported about>>

The succession has been almost 9 months (!) Still not solved, the pressure on Pastor Jester is increasing and the situation in the deanery Pinkafeld for these reasons and more difficult. This raises the question: what is it that the matter is not regulated and not in the Deanship is discussed.

Chronology Facts: On 29
  1. June 2010 Jestin Dechant sent a letter to Bishop Iby, asking him, him at 31 August 2010 Office of the Dean on the basis of incidents and Prof. Seifner to relieve Zsifvovics.
  2. middle of August 2010 shall Vicar General Rev. Jestl Kohl by telephone that he had to wait until after the consecration of the newly appointed Bishop Zsifkovics because Iby administrator may not make decisions anymore.
  3. On 19 October 2010 had Jestin, because of its urgent request an hour-long conversation with the new general of the bishop. Jestin presented to the Vicar General is once again the reasons for his resignation as dean and asks why most sincerely, to relieve him of that office.
    promises the same time, Jestin settle the incident things conscientiously. He looks but because of the past and known events not in a position to convene conferences and meetings in Dean's office.
  4. On 13 December 2010 send an email to Jester Vicar Lang in which he announces that he agreed with his conscience can no longer even as interim dean in the Office and responsible for two additional parishes (Wolfau and Kitzladen) to be.
  5. same time led Jestl the attitude of the monthly financial allocation of the Tax Chamber of the diocese to his religious community (Redemptorists) as of December 2010 for his Work as Dean, and another for the two parishes.
  6. Am 01.12. 13/12/2011 and I have written in my capacity as Dean's Council at Vicar General. In it I asked urgently to bring the chaotic situation in the deanery Pinkafeld finally to language and to seek a solution involving the fraternal Deanery Council. These emails are still unanswered. In February 2011 I
  7. tried several times and in different ways to achieve long-phone-general, but this was not possible and was not a recall.
  8. On 10 January 2011 Jestl shares writing with all Dean's Council members that he, as dean, and for related Tasks no longer available and an end to this activity for him. This letter he sent to Vicar Lang.
  9. Regardless of all these circumstances, P. Jestin leave after fifteen years in the Diocese of Eisenstadt by the end of August 2011 and takes over tasks within his religious community. This is the part of the religious community already planned and the diocesan bishop has been submitted.
  10. Zsifkovics Although Bishop has long been known that Jester leaves with the end of August 2011, the diocese, he has been the TV-Show Report in November 2010 on several occasions intervened with the head of the Redemptorist Order, this may Jestin dismissed prematurely.
  11. is as yet, come to any of the bishop with Gepsräch Jestin. Although Zsifkovics has promised repeatedly over the Ordenlseitung, he has not charged him for an interview.
  12. On 02/21/2011 has Jestl his latest letter to the Reverend gentlemen of the diocesan leadership sent the message that he would not attend the Dean's Vespers (annual meeting of the bishop and the diocesan leadership with the full-time employee of a deanery) and also to prepare for base of known circumstances, backgrounds and contexts are not available.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Story Of Vegeta And Bulma In Bed

Despite threats and blackmail and encounter dialogue in the future

Today I would like to contact own behalf in my readers. I founded the blog "Encounter & Dialogue in September 2010. More than 71,000 page views so far show that this communication platform is used by many people to complete.

were decisive for the creation of this blog the events surrounding the bishop change and its consequences, in the Diocese of Eisenstadt.

From the beginning, but were and are the necessary reforms in the Catholic church I take up the issues. I would like to contribute to this blog to a lively dialogue in the sense of the Gospel and to work on a credible church that is open to the characters time.

I am glad that I get a lot of encouragement and positive feedback on this blog. There

course there are occasional criticism, which I assume obliged to think and examine. I confess and I have already emphasized several times: I too am not without error and without sin. Sometimes I cursed. It must be possible and I have no problem. The situation is different if personal threats are issued against me.

And that is happening now, unfortunately. On 01/03/2011 I received by mail an anonymous letter in which I was severely threatened and blackmailed in the event that I have to write critically on the blog and "the Bishop and his staff insult ".

I will not go into the detailed contents of this letter. Yesterday (03/02/2011) I have on the prosecution Eisenstadt complaint for dangerous threat.

If these are the ways to help our bishop and to prevent reforms that is more than questionable. I can not imagine that this procedure is referred to Bishop Zsifkovics.

Dear Readers! Dear friends!
Despite threats and blackmail, "Encounter and Dialogue" will be available in the future. As Molière said: "We are responsible not only for what we do, but also for what we do not . Do "

Sincerely, / Your Edi Posch

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Long Does A Tub Of P90x Formula Last

"petition against church privileges" - not an appropriate way! My faith

The reform movement in the Catholic Church give respect from the proposed petition against church privileges following joint statement:

It is hard to miss not mean the back into Austria for provisions governing the relationship between state and church and up to date not in all respects. A reconsideration would be appropriate, therefore, but this requires a careful and responsible common assessment of the current situation. This is also the current Concordat, which include the cooperation of the Federal Government regulates the appointment of bishops.

A referendum in which a basically negative attitude towards the Church and its work is a total expression appears, it unhelpful. But must not be forgotten that the input of churches still an irreplaceable cultural contribution, the appropriate compensation is justified and is also in other European countries. Also must not be overlooked that the churches provide a vital humanitarian and charitable service that is recognized and supported by the widest population.

For all these reasons, the reform movement distance himself from this petition. You believe, however, that steps should be a meaningful reorganization of the entire complex of relations between state and religious communities in the near future. In particular, the church would review system, which is known to be an unfortunate legacy of time to check on his fitness and proper design. For the discussion of new regulations, the reform movements are always available.

platform We Are Church - Priest without official - priest Initiative - lay initiative
(On behalf of these organizations: Maier Herbert Kohl, chairman of the lay initiative)