Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Much Is A Topsy Turvy Cake Cost

group presentation 90%

Finally the presentation for the group work in Environmental Impact Assessment over.

Two days before the presentation, we divided the remaining work packages to the four members of the group and we arranged to meet the eve of the presentation by 20 clock.

20:10 text messages moved to 21:30. 21:30, email: Whether I would agree that we should perform until next Monday. I meet immediately with the others and say no, absolutely it would for me aufzukreuzen not in question, the agreed date without presentation in hand, to plead for more time.

The problem: one thinks they have just no time and sent us out of his room, and another was not there and does not go easy on his phone. Suddenly we're just a couple. The work packages should edit the others are untouched.

we sit down and then create a contingency plan. Around midnight, finally crossed the disappeared again. I explain to him what we have done already in his absence. He lets me talk and read whilst his mail.
He says Simply, he must now go to sleep, he was already tired, and he would improvise something simple tomorrow.

other two do not agree: his part is the final part, Patzer stay here particularly well remembered.
So I will very much (not rude, but perhaps too direct, German habit ...) I can not accept that, I find his behavior and unfair, he can not just leave us alone to work. Then he speaks at once only continue with my colleagues in Hindi, and leaves the room after a few sentences. He ignored me from that moment.

Presenting then adjust the sensible colleague and I in front of our things. The man who wanted to work from the outset not to make himself important as recorder of the group during the presentation and noted the comments of the professor.
then transforms the improviser the conclusion of the presentation in a disaster. He remains vague and contradictory on the date band itself and does not even seem to our subject and thereby provoking questions that none of us ever would have expected and we can not answer all.
subsequent comments of my colleague: "This was a disaster We have been raped.."

What has surprised me the most: After we went all 4 together to drink tea. The 3 Indian chatting happily with each other, we talk about Diwali and this and that no signs of annoyance, forget all before. Peaceful as lambs.

After all, is come out something nice. It was about air pollution from road traffic on the campus. I simulated some.

I would like to use correct numbers, but to obtain the traffic data was the object of the improviser. So I just thought of numbers, the model is realistic. For the presentation that was plenty.

Instead of writing the exam in this subject (which would have fallen on Kerala) I must now write a short report on simulation. Sounds cool, I have not read something.

Tomorrow is the last day of lectures. After that officially begins the exam period.


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