weekend we had a nice trip to Goa.
The travelers: Mehadi that Hückelheim, and Jing Jung Chen Zen, a Chinese woman who we met on the bus and that was almost all the time with us on the road.
The bus trip to Goa was a feast.
Such a beautiful coach ...
is ... much too quickly on such a road go. The journey takes 10 hours instead of the announced a whopping 18 hours. Mehadi like the bus ride so well that we are looking for already on the bus with a mobile phone to fares for the return.
Palolem in Goa: a small village, which consists almost entirely of inns and restaurants along a beautiful beach in a bay. Quite a lot of white people to see, many look like long-term visitors who want as soon not go home. The European influence is very strong: Most restaurants serve mainly western food. Our guest house is clean and costs 800 rupees per night and double rooms.
We go swimming (the water is warm) and I get through 50 sunscreen not even get a sunburn. Actually, we would have the next day again with the Mumbai bus direction drive off, but we prefer to cancel the bus ticket and go back on Monday during the day by train. All the good Mumbaikaner are then already been back at work, nor do we get tickets for the train on Monday and have had time all day Sunday on the beach.
Goa is known that one can buy everywhere cheap alcoholic beverages. Advertising of alcohol is forbidden anyway. Therefore, this is no advertisement for beer, though on the bottle a bit of hops and malt, but is, Kingfisher for the mineral water. The small white lettering "Packaged Drinking Water" under the Kingfisher Premium logo next to it reveals. Of beer is actually nowhere on this poster a little.
Images of the return journey, the train station.
fire extinguisher in the station.

distance train there in the day a nice family atmosphere. Someone is playing Bollywood music with his cell phone, kids running through the cars, all are relaxed.
A 13-hour train ride we are on Monday morning again in Mumbai.
On Tuesday I had a telephone interview because of my internship. It works out fine. I also had a great lecture. We had a visit from a cow that came in walked very curious in the auditorium. The professor she has unfortunately shooed out before I could take a picture.
And since today is the Internet again. Olé!
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