Some emotional states would have to invent new words, I do hereby -
wanted sensual!
I fall more in very beautiful color combinations and wonderful textures in a material condition of the wool sensuality .....: o)) - is there then "drüberstreicheln" stick to the cheek or any family member (for the hundredth time - rolling eyes) to show the delicacy and beauty of this wool announced!
in my favorite magazine - And I read only one left - namely the Landdlust, there was an article about a yarn shop in Darmstadt - not so far from us and therefore worth a visit! The very fascinated by the article myself - I can tell you to visit this very special yarn shop is really worth! (Did the direct weblink - goes with the cursor over it)
The lady of the house really know each Knäulchen (the case of 2 tons), which is where - and with 80 years - amazing! I've never seen so many various wool - from the 11 camps in the house alone distributed apart.
course had to go with something ...... then again that gives me something to knitting.
Wonderful babyalpaca Tender for anything - I assume hand-cuffs.

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