"Mirjam skin on the drum" at the public event on International Women's Day, 8 March, in the Innsbruck Meeting House, the visions and claims at a women's breakfast at 9 clock explained in detail.
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Visions of International Women
women - religion - society
We want to live in a world, respectful of
- the spiritual traditions of women in all cultures and religions and developed
- develop women their spirituality individually and jointly released can
- the sexes in the various religions and religious communities equally
- to women and men the same criteria for access to offices and services, especially in the Roman Catholic Church apply
- people not "in the name of God 'manipulated religiously suicide candidates and bombers will live but in freedom, self determination and community can
- the spiritual dimension of the careful handling of animals and plants, with the Earth and the cosmos includes
- the different religions, beliefs, churches and spiritual communities the enriching perceive each other and work together towards a peaceful and equitable coexistence
For 100 years, women demand at the International Women's Day their rights (see www .20000 frauen.at ). The Women's Commission 20000frauen based on the concerns of the International Women's Day and the platform.
The Women's Commission will affirm the rights of women in religious and spiritual realm:
In Article 18 of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or to change his belief, and freedom to manifest religion or belief, alone or in community with others, to confess in public or private teaching, practice, worship and observance. "(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Our vision of the relationship between women, religion and society put flesh on the human rights article for the religious sector. The Declaration calls for freedom, peace and justice for all people, in the Epistle to the Romans 14:17 is the kingdom of God is described as justice, peace and joy.
Source: Women's Commission of the Diocese of Innsbruck
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