Saturday, February 26, 2011

Backgrounds Para Proshow

Today you have to be happy

today have you live.
need to be happy today. bubble is not about the tribulations,
what happened yesterday.
this you can change but nothing more.
torment your heart not for fear of tomorrow, with exaggerated is concerned about, what Turn your heart to live today, to now, at this moment to be happy. This is not easy, especially if you like life hit hard, when your love was
if your expectations are shattered.

Let your joy and your happiness
not dependent upon the holiday is over,
from work, which begins again;
of budgets, from the digestion, the weather,
of a hundred trifles.
Take your fate into their own hands. Everything depends
depends on how you're inside,
in your thoughts and feelings.

always find the light and the dark
let lie.
And if you still
time should be too difficult, then try a bit

as the clown to be.
He cries in his heart
and still plays with a smiling face
for a child on the violin.
becomes healed his heart with sadness.

Phil Bosmans, Live every day. 365 vitamins for the heart,
Herder Verlag, Freiburg i. Br, 2008, 148


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