I believe that there is no easy way to penetrate to God and to experience His nearness. Many more great personal effort and probably defeats are needed him to come closer.
I think we need to take time for God. For many it will be difficult, but for each it is possible. This time is like a seed that scatters it and who will return wonderful way in many forms and multiple fruit to us.
I believe that we must exercise in humility, if we want to feel the presence of God. This now almost extinct word means to me is the distance from our selfishness and our vanities. Without wishing to be humble, we will come no closer to God.
I think it is worth much more to fail a hundred times if you want to do good, as one to be omitted for convenience or selfishness is good. The desire for good will raise us and the failure of the good is not we bow.
I believe that every person can choose every day and has to decide good or bad to do. We can use our past good deeds is not contrary to outweigh what we would fail in the future. The past gives us good but the strength and courage for new acts.
I believe that my actions and thinking in the past, present and future so often on the wrong track, and his will was that I could not pass a second before a just God. Only by His mercy I be saved. I am much more new things every day, non of the prodigal son who turns away from Him, as the good son who does His will and can only hope every day again on the mercy of the Father.
I believe that every follower of another religion and every atheist can be a better Christian than I, because in the end only the effort of the life change and the actions include, but not the commitment. Only on my fruits can see my Christianity not my words.
I think that God is all revealed, the men seeking with all my heart, no matter what the denomination that person belongs.
I think that all books, articles, speeches, and in that letter are worth nothing if the person behind it is not authentic effort to lend his words by his life term.
I think that is the study of the commandments and laws without seeking the heart of great danger, to find the commandments and laws that God but lose it.
I think it's the easiest way humanly possible to understand the gospel message better than most scholars. can not study the natural sciences or theology are also only a Step closer to God when we seek only our minds and not our hearts.
I think that people need the church and a new beginning, to be pleasing to God can. Not only must go to church on people, but people must also go to the church. The church must appeal to people at length as mature believers in their language and the faithful must not view the church as a supermarket, where you pick up without any effort, the most appealing products.
I think that even the slightest perceived presence of God can give one more than you can imagine. to feel his touch, the hem of the garment to touch Jesus, can one's satisfaction and detachment can feel for which one seeks his life.
I believe that everyone is capable and gifted to do good and to love one's neighbor. Each in its own way and in his own way. Even you, who read these lines, have your gifts and your talents. Begin today to take advantage of them. Live!