Mehadi and I have just come back from our trip to Kerala. Was good. Just want to travel arrangements, my room is almost empty, the pack packed. Only the computer where I'm sitting, and my toiletries are not yet there.
to Trip:
The flight was quite eventful. After 2 hours late boarding begins, all get on the bus. The drive to the rear next to last corner of the airport, where a machine is next to the hangar and somehow looks as if she just waited. The bus then stops with the engine running, people with uniforms running frantically through the area - a man gets in and says the plane was not ready, it would take some time. After half an hour waiting in the bus we set back then, turn and go somewhere else where We stand around then another half an hour.
Eventually, the bus on the doors, the people spread out on the runway. No information. We go out too short to determine that it is too hot out there and stink. So wait again back in the air conditioned bus. In the back sits a group of young women who sing loud, one song after another. A few people turn away annoyed and will be doing so as she would not listen. With the most buzz or clapping to the beat. Relaxed atmosphere, an air hostess, meanwhile, distributed water bottles.
Until we at some point to another Aircraft are down after the bus has picked up all the stray people. With 4 hours delay we will fly to Kochi as normal.
The tourist office in the airport of Kochi is a surprise: Apparently, here, the corruption is not so forcefully very people we actually recommend the bus and tell us where we find him. The bus leaves on time, we have seats. We drive to Alleppey and overnight in a small guest house, nice and clean, cold shower. 500 rupees.
... in the backwaters . This beautiful house boats floating around. If we had to rent, but the parts cost you money. So we remain modest:
And let us in this boat, paddle through the area. The driver is friendly and speaks some English. He drives us through small channels through the do not get the house boats.
Nero Ahead, a day pass. Dinner at a small restaurant with many locals. The food is delicious and does not cost by 90 rupees apiece.
little thing on the side: It the fact is that many Indians would never admit that they have no idea about anything. In the restaurant several times a fall from power, we sit in the dark. Mehadi asked if our food is as yet (may well be that is cooked with electricity). But yes, it is, 10 minutes, then it was ready.
Until the man at the table next to us somehow, and tells us the man we had just asked, was his chauffeur, and not a waiter. We should better ask a staff member of the restaurant.
we need but not at the moment has come our food.
From Alleppey we intend to take the bus to Varkala. The ride is supposedly 3 hours.
The driver is truly a child of sorrow, and like going fast. It is used on-screen movies all kinds, but seriously: if you own this bus is sitting, no seat belt, before a just metal rods, and the bus driver thinks has no intention to stop overtaking when oncoming traffic - great is not.
In between, it still starts to rain. Tata seems to be not always good at buses to build. Leaking windows are quite normal, but I notice the first time: The wiper is so short that he did not free wipes the area that the driver needs to see. We are flying almost blind.
Another observation from the bus. I have often written, the people are friendly towards foreigners. I need to fix this: they are friendly to white foreigners. The bus is full of stuffing, we can not even stand at the top right. There is not enough space on the ground for both feet, I stand on the shoes of someone else and have my right foot half-standing on my left sandal. It is really full. Of course relatively soon is someone for me, even in the front row, I have a seat and a great view. That was always so far in buses, Arne and I can usually sit.
Mehadi but is still for two hours, making no place for him. I see that unfortunately, he has been pushed by the crowd when entering two meters to the rear, between us, then, an estimated 20 people. In Kollam do I call him if we do not get to spend the night and the next morning take the train. I would live like the style of driving would be awful.
Mehadi is not averse. Get out of the bus (even not so easy), search for hotels.
We get a deal. A business man has probably lost and built a lot of good and expensive hotel in Kollam, although there is a small town in so little need for such a thing. It seems to be completely empty except for us. The starting price was too high, but as we make preparations to leave, the price drops, and we finally get a very comfortable suite for the equivalent of 9 € per person. Nice.
The next morning shortly after sunrise, we catch our train to Varkala. The needs for the last part is only 40 minutes, the bus would have taken probably again 3 hours.
The walk from the station to the beach passes by the bus station of Varkala. Normal people take a rickshaw. We prefer to run. Two Geeks on Tour: We both have GPS in our phones and browse happily looking towards the beach, on the internet for good hotels - and then afterwards take any but one that we see along the way and beautiful place.
end of November: 33 ° C, the sun shoots, I have plotted the 30 sun cream. Short walk through the town and on the beach, we have the whole day before anything else.
Some police officers have it better than the other policemen.

We constantly talk back to people and make us annoying questions. We both come from Utopia. This is a small island between Turkey and America. In Utopia, we are both professors of Paläontomorphologie. And we are serving in India. People nod understandingly, ah yes, Utopia, because many people would come forth. Paläontomorphologie, oh yes, that was certainly very difficult. We can confirm, but the pay is very good.
Usually that's enough already and then people move on satisfied.
The way back is spectacular. Direct train to Kochi, on the bus we were tired. Small matter of the train:
hierarchies are here probably very very important. On the train there so the ticket collector say to the passengers about on par, the man has something to say. Then there are the lower servants, for example, wipe the floor or bring the food. Which one looks not to the face and you talk and not like, they are like ghosts.
I sit on the train in front of the box, where one of ordinary workers kept his things. When he makes a move to go to his subject, I'm on course to take him to court. To which another passenger furious rushes and the staff shouting to sow does, why he would force me to get up. Me of the loudmouth in a friendly smiles, as he would do me a favor. Very strange.
Hotels in Kochi (no time for sightseeing), flight to Mumbai.
Kochi airport is very peaceful and small.
From the gate you go directly to the plane.
in Mumbai is now my last night before the hostel. Outside my window, drums and whistles it again as wild, somewhere in the neighborhood music is made. There
morning it expected a final entry in the blog, next we go back to Germany. I've heard it's snowing ...
And I have sunburn.
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