Saturday, September 19, 2009

Earn Online Brownie Badges

to side effects ask ..

as the manufacturer's website.

When my last gala read and the TV only and from "Call me .." was commercials, all women gave me the best to combat the boredom of the "drug- telegram of May this year. A small paper, which previously was on the list of my favorite waste of time very far below.

wrongly. I read of "Alli" a prescription gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor. That sounds almost as if I knew what that meant. I have it but only written. What I understood is that it is a preparation that is used for weight loss.

In recent years, so come increasingly out of fashion, sports and overweight with adequate nutrition to fight. Meanwhile, you look so fat jaws in amazement when one or the other tells you that you can lose weight without surgery.

Alli anyway to ensure that the fat is not absorbed food in the gastrointestinal tract. This then helps to decrease short term, but also has unpleasant side effects:
  • oily oily Chair
  • Flatus with discharge
  • fecal incontinence
etc. So there is a risk that I'm in the public in the pants, yet after a short time'm as thick as before.
The Council of the manufacturer for this is not the shit to sell and to eat sensibly but:

... it's probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work "
(.. . .. it's probably a smart idea is to wear dark trousers and a change of clothes to take to work)

The verdict of the drug-telegram is then clear:

The money and the unpleasant ALLI experience can save you: Do not buy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

3.5mm Jack For Elantra

Why the child pornography should be blocked ...

... instead of simply taking the offers from the net.

That is the question that critics of Websperren featured again and again. The honest answer Zensursula von der Leyen would probably have read: "Because then I have no excuse to impose my Internet censorship."

She has not said. Instead, she said there is a large number of countries where child pornography would not be punishable, Germany would have no recourse against these offers. the Hamburger Abendblatt she said

The bitter truth is that so far only half the countries in outlawing child pornography. That is, the other half are tolerated.

She claimed so in all seriousness about 96 countries (the United Nations is one of 192 countries) tolerate child pornography. This is of course nonsense! Instead, many countries outlaw child pornography is not explicitly, since in these countries pornography is in itself a punishable offense.
The number, Ms. von der Leyen, probably by the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which published in 2006 a list of 95 States without a law against child pornography. In this case, the organization (with really lofty goals) not ashamed, Countries such as Afghanistan or Iran enumerate.

Dirk Landlau has even taken the trouble to check this list . The result was disappointing for our censorship minister:
  • 71 of the 95 states do not tolerate pornography (which includes child pornography, of course)
  • In 9 States could not answer the question Landlau concluded. May thus be the "intolerable States" are
  • 15 states have no law to outlaw child pornography. Three of them have one thing on track.
Of the 95 states remain so up to closer examination, 21 remain. 12 without such legislation, and 9, where you can not be sure.

I spare myself now a list of those States. Feel free to refer to the above list. But few countries are in the process which I trust an infrastructure that would be likely to offer child pornography worldwide. How much could

reach our children dear Minister, if she were really concerned about the fight against child pornography, shows a further analysis, which has to Walter Florian from Berlin published his scusiblog . He compiled a list of the countries in which the child porn sites are hosted, which are on the Norwegian blacklist. Here are the Top Six:
  1. USA (1431 URLs)
  2. Maintain
  3. Australia (188)
  4. Netherlands (177)
  5. Russia (161)
  6. Canada (100)
  7. Germany (78)
Instead these domains on lists of marks, one could say the simplicity times the corresponding States shall inform and sweep his own business.

that all this behavior at the end of the fight against child pornography rather hindered sikk describes in his blog very good. A long post, but it's worth it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Send Demos To Record Labels


in July was particularly outraged by the English press. " So now we are officially religiously deluded country of the civilized world ", for example, wrote Ian O'Doherty on his native Ireland. What had happened?

in reforming the law on defamation, was also included a clause for blasphemy. Accordingly blasphemy in Ireland can be fined be punished by up to 25,000 €.
As silly as that may be found today, there was nevertheless only the contents of the Irish Constitution of 1937 and a corresponding Act of 1961. So it was nothing new that had led to public debate .
Admittedly, a modern country had abolished such a long paragraph.

The German Criminal Code does this by the way the § 166 Reads

(1) Whoever insults publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 para 3) the content of religious or ideological beliefs of others in a way that is likely to disturb the public peace, with imprisonment to three years or a fine.
(2) Likewise, anyone who publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 paragraph 3) an abused domestic church or other religious society or ideological grouping, their institutions or customs in a way that is appropriate, the public peace . disturb

order is liable to prosecution in Germany to make, the blasphemy including "public peace" disturbed, but then you can also go to prison.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Electric Dryer Not Hot

blows Where the wind?

yes I ponder for some time, why Jürgen is so active (probably under different names) in this blog at a time and always harping on alleged copyright violations. Now I have a suspicion.

Do you remember yet Miriam and Jacob ? The two doctors with the strange hobby diagnoses. Who wrote at that time on your site:

The written content on this site are protected by copyright. Their use is only allowed for private purposes. Any reproduction [...] individual written material without written permission from the copyright owner is forbidden.

What is a funny idea, since each first first spiritual work is protected, even without such a reference.

from another source but I have learned that the two have warned in fact a blogger, because you reported on its website.

If true my suspicions, Miriam, Jacob, Juergen, or how you even called. I will not reproduce your thesis, to me they are just too abstruse.
quote or reproduce content according to copyright law but already. It is for your information yes allgemien to an accessible Source. Such may in my view, an independent Language also be cited. Nothing else I do.

way has not signed the aforementioned blogger called for the cease and desist letter.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How To Put On A Pad Vids

The lucky bean

Who this blog including comments attentively, will have noticed that I serve a few weeks ago as an advertising platform for psychic services. In the commentary to a posting advertises "Sherino" for his clairvoyance, Reiki skills, card reading and all the other things that make our lives worth living. Sherino pound claims to be a "famous clairvoyant. Now I know my the profession is not out of supernatural, but may annehemen however, that the Lord gave the word "famous" interpreted more freely.
"Sherino" is but a name for a gentleman, right? I assume that it is identical to Mark Peacock, who offered under that name until recently virtually the same. As spiritual welfare but a name change conveys something mysterious flight. "Mark," as ordinary.

What I did not know, are lucky beans that sold the best for a paltry € 15. Lucky beans but according Sherino only in our new:

Especially in South America, this lucky bean is an absolute must! Every family has at least one lucky bean in the house. If you store these lucky bean in the house, this house is protected. These lucky bean also protects against negative energies. It attracts money like a magnet.

Why are the only South American country still so poor, but if every family a legume lying around, which brings the money home.

wants to make money the good man of course, but that does not leave the beans. Therefore, he offers his services to the telephone. He calls it "The Helpline". The telephone number is given as large . The cost of 2.99 per minute but only as small . Because yes, the phone sex commercials on television honest.

Chances Getting Pregnant During Ovulation

Maria Esmeralda is back

long time I have nothing left of the fortune teller is one of my confidence. Maria Esmeralda. Incessantly they had made new offers, but how my life could still change for the better. Then it was after four multi-page letters at a time of silence. My proposal you to participate in my upcoming wealth, she had probably offended. I began to seriously worry about.
Until yesterday I was searching the free TV supplement my newspaper by a crossword puzzle. There it was again. This time with an almost entirely new trick:

These 3 coins from China, will allow you to get your 3 most pressing financial to fulfill wishes.

I was missing and is missing an understanding of how to have more financial than a wish. The first, I hope to always have enough money for all my wishes have available, as the second err ... again, let's say € 3.80, and third - I do not know. The first two wishes, I've been the rest of my life exactly € 3.80 too much.

Then comes what we already know from Maria: I have financial problem, blah blah, I want the people are privileged in 1134, blah blah. I need to pay anything for this - either now or later.

Here comes the new to the mesh. It's free! Although - the last time she had said yes too.

are also promised free the vital information on Feng Shui rituals. If they're actually as free as it is indispensable, one should perhaps publish on the Web.

I play with the idea to try it again. To this end I have to check only that four conditions are fulfilled by me first
I have a financial problem.
second I am an unlucky person (not a joke, which is in the display)
third I undertake to observe the rituals (which I do not know yet, but I do not throw dead cats on the shoulder. At night. Not in a cemetery. Not at all!)
4th Once I have solved my financial problem, I pass on the coins.

latter I enjoy. I may even add to € 3.80.