has very carefully they originally claimed that it was necessary to the people who make child pornography money , turn off the tap. Of the investigators were heard but quickly realized that so far no indication that it deserves someone money. Instead of a perverse exchanges with the other, until everyone every possible picture on the plate. So I always just consumers be determined, but never commercial suppliers. They are not simple.
has given you and then reloading, one must ensure that no innocent bystanders "hooked" to be. The idea is so stupid that I did not comment on like him.
now you pushed a useless lock, the only people able to impress the understanding of the art any more than our family minister himself.
Only in the days after that, the true size of the Super Mom of Lower Saxony. Am 20.04. the first time the bill was clear from that the requests are not only locked but also logged. It says the Ministry of vorgstellte and stop sign shown above the exact opposite.
Neither information about your IP address or other information by which you can be identified to be saved ... [...]
read here.
Now, after the initial excitement has died down, the next step is for the police state. The Federal Justice Ministry is considering a real-time monitoring of requests.
Staudigl Ulrich, spokesman of the Ministry described before, as one would have to imagine in the future: A
"due to the redirection to stop by an unsuccessful attempt to create a website with child pornography access, complies with the requirements of this offense and justified, therefore, necessary for criminal investigations suspicion "
Again in German. You can click the wrong link, even the law enforcement
The ministries threatens. family, justice and home affairs under the guise of child protection so successfully set a censorship tool in the service. The next step will be developed into a monitoring tool.
What comes next should be clear. lobby groups are demanding that even exchange pages for music and movies on the list come. Even Wikileaks is done for many a thorn in the eye. Overall Internet usage profiles in the generation of an initial suspicion would certainly hilreich.
As well, there are still open proxies. In contrast Ursula would certainly proceed even if they knew about it.