Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Funny Names To Do With Human Anatomy

Social hacking for beginners

Today, the 26th reported Chaos Communication Congress (26C3) in Berlin from the fact that she has chopped a flirt platform for right-minded users. I like that. Since I do have the same thought over what you can do with the data published Sun What would I need to list all users with email addresses. These are available here:

To make it easier for me, it would be nice also to know even the most frequently used passwords. The CCC has published here:


I do it to you easier. They are: first

123456 (13) (not a joke that really so stupid!)
second Landser (10)
third landser88 (8)
third Sieg Heil (8)
5th 14881488 (6)
5th 888 888 (6)
7th skinhead (5)
7th German (5)
7th 123456789 (5)
10th siegheil88 (4)

I do not care which platform really flirt. More exciting would mail accounts. The addresses I've got from the first list. Now of course I know not what password goes with which user. So I try once the users, some of the passwords listed above are also in the name.
we are about once a user with the name Xx.Xx.xx1488 @ provider.com. Since it is a brown morons, I think once that he used for his mail account the same password as for the Flirt platform. More could he remember probably not. So I try "14881488" and voila!

About the mail account now so I could find some on the right-Single:

  1. His name is ST and I know the mailing address.
  2. I know his ebay username
  3. I know username and password for his Amazon account.
  4. I know that he is not some time ago could afford a payment to Amazon.
  5. He ordered goods from shippers of popular products at Nazis (Thor Steinar, DS-Dispatch, Patria shipping).
  6. I have the e-mail addresses for about 20 of his contacts.
  7. etc,
So I could be excellent research further emails to send in my name or to order goods at his expense.

I suppose if you go through the list once, you'll find one or the other brown idiots whose password can be easily guessed. could

Obviously, this is a theoretical description of what you make . I would never do that of course.

PS The Flirt platform is currently offline.

Does The North Face Fleece Shrink?

This blog does break - almost. Copyright

Dear readers, as you probably noticed
, it has become very quiet on this blog. The first is likely to remain so, as I work on a major project that takes my time greatly. Nevertheless, I will publish

now and then a posting if they come up. Just as the same if I tell you how to play as an amateur with no knowledge of hacking one or the other right-minded a small stroke.

had Until then you probably


Monday, November 9, 2009

Can Herpes Start In Nose

a difference

Blue Beat is a largely unknown music portal from the U.S.. That will change now saying, for Blue Beat, the entire Creation of the Beatles for the equivalent of only 17 cents per song. In a conventional Presi 79-99 cents can be worth that already.

The EMI takes the whole less attractive because the label the songs that she has rights, would like to sell more expensive. With money and violation of copyrights the music industry knows, understandably, no relatives. Blue Beat was sued.

Opinions to the law on the songs go but apart, according to Blue Beat. Sun questioned the portal operator is that the EMI has in principle the right of the Beatle songs. But if it were offered to the song completely new recordings. These were namely "psycho-acoustic treatment. What sounds like a pseudo-scientific, esoteric process is actually a compression method for audio files. According to Blue Beat, in this case, however, sounds and images have been added. Pending the hearing on

20th November you can still buy so Beatle songs an unbeatable price. In theory, at least, for since the announcement of the offer, the site is hardly available.

Maybelline Dream Mousse Concealer Blog

Quote of the month (October '09)

post products, the fundamental freedoms in order to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin

Friday, October 16, 2009

Stories About Appendicitis

Much ado about nothing?

I have twice in the past reports on the pros and cons of Internet censorship. The old Federal Government sought so under the banner of Ursula von der Leyen as quickly as possible to establish a censorship and control infrastructure.

Under the current coalition talks, the first is now off the table and Mrs. von der Leyen has had to take the first slaps of the FDP. Now the government requires the BKA what critics have demanded it from the start: Apply for the cancellation and not to worry the block child pornography.

Although the approach is to be in a year then tested again, but probably only to then wipe all the proposed legislation from the table without losing face.

Maybe also the percentage of votes scheduled for the Election (after all, 2%) showed that one was new media (for many politicians, the Internet is still new) can not work without expertise. Then, probably even asked someone who was familiar with the subject.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Earn Online Brownie Badges

to side effects ask ..

as the manufacturer's website.

When my last gala read and the TV only and from "Call me .." was commercials, all women gave me the best to combat the boredom of the "drug- telegram of May this year. A small paper, which previously was on the list of my favorite waste of time very far below.

wrongly. I read of "Alli" a prescription gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor. That sounds almost as if I knew what that meant. I have it but only written. What I understood is that it is a preparation that is used for weight loss.

In recent years, so come increasingly out of fashion, sports and overweight with adequate nutrition to fight. Meanwhile, you look so fat jaws in amazement when one or the other tells you that you can lose weight without surgery.

Alli anyway to ensure that the fat is not absorbed food in the gastrointestinal tract. This then helps to decrease short term, but also has unpleasant side effects:
  • oily oily Chair
  • Flatus with discharge
  • fecal incontinence
etc. So there is a risk that I'm in the public in the pants, yet after a short time'm as thick as before.
The Council of the manufacturer for this is not the shit to sell and to eat sensibly but:

... it's probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work "
(.. . .. it's probably a smart idea is to wear dark trousers and a change of clothes to take to work)

The verdict of the drug-telegram is then clear:

The money and the unpleasant ALLI experience can save you: Do not buy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

3.5mm Jack For Elantra

Why the child pornography should be blocked ...

... instead of simply taking the offers from the net.

That is the question that critics of Websperren featured again and again. The honest answer Zensursula von der Leyen would probably have read: "Because then I have no excuse to impose my Internet censorship."

She has not said. Instead, she said there is a large number of countries where child pornography would not be punishable, Germany would have no recourse against these offers. the Hamburger Abendblatt she said

The bitter truth is that so far only half the countries in outlawing child pornography. That is, the other half are tolerated.

She claimed so in all seriousness about 96 countries (the United Nations is one of 192 countries) tolerate child pornography. This is of course nonsense! Instead, many countries outlaw child pornography is not explicitly, since in these countries pornography is in itself a punishable offense.
The number, Ms. von der Leyen, probably by the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which published in 2006 a list of 95 States without a law against child pornography. In this case, the organization (with really lofty goals) not ashamed, Countries such as Afghanistan or Iran enumerate.

Dirk Landlau has even taken the trouble to check this list . The result was disappointing for our censorship minister:
  • 71 of the 95 states do not tolerate pornography (which includes child pornography, of course)
  • In 9 States could not answer the question Landlau concluded. May thus be the "intolerable States" are
  • 15 states have no law to outlaw child pornography. Three of them have one thing on track.
Of the 95 states remain so up to closer examination, 21 remain. 12 without such legislation, and 9, where you can not be sure.

I spare myself now a list of those States. Feel free to refer to the above list. But few countries are in the process which I trust an infrastructure that would be likely to offer child pornography worldwide. How much could

reach our children dear Minister, if she were really concerned about the fight against child pornography, shows a further analysis, which has to Walter Florian from Berlin published his scusiblog . He compiled a list of the countries in which the child porn sites are hosted, which are on the Norwegian blacklist. Here are the Top Six:
  1. USA (1431 URLs)
  2. Maintain
  3. Australia (188)
  4. Netherlands (177)
  5. Russia (161)
  6. Canada (100)
  7. Germany (78)
Instead these domains on lists of marks, one could say the simplicity times the corresponding States shall inform and sweep his own business.

that all this behavior at the end of the fight against child pornography rather hindered sikk describes in his blog very good. A long post, but it's worth it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Send Demos To Record Labels


in July was particularly outraged by the English press. " So now we are officially religiously deluded country of the civilized world ", for example, wrote Ian O'Doherty on his native Ireland. What had happened?

in reforming the law on defamation, was also included a clause for blasphemy. Accordingly blasphemy in Ireland can be fined be punished by up to 25,000 €.
As silly as that may be found today, there was nevertheless only the contents of the Irish Constitution of 1937 and a corresponding Act of 1961. So it was nothing new that had led to public debate .
Admittedly, a modern country had abolished such a long paragraph.

The German Criminal Code does this by the way the § 166 Reads

(1) Whoever insults publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 para 3) the content of religious or ideological beliefs of others in a way that is likely to disturb the public peace, with imprisonment to three years or a fine.
(2) Likewise, anyone who publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 paragraph 3) an abused domestic church or other religious society or ideological grouping, their institutions or customs in a way that is appropriate, the public peace . disturb

order is liable to prosecution in Germany to make, the blasphemy including "public peace" disturbed, but then you can also go to prison.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Electric Dryer Not Hot

blows Where the wind?

yes I ponder for some time, why Jürgen is so active (probably under different names) in this blog at a time and always harping on alleged copyright violations. Now I have a suspicion.

Do you remember yet Miriam and Jacob ? The two doctors with the strange hobby diagnoses. Who wrote at that time on your site:

The written content on this site are protected by copyright. Their use is only allowed for private purposes. Any reproduction [...] individual written material without written permission from the copyright owner is forbidden.

What is a funny idea, since each first first spiritual work is protected, even without such a reference.

from another source but I have learned that the two have warned in fact a blogger, because you reported on its website.

If true my suspicions, Miriam, Jacob, Juergen, or how you even called. I will not reproduce your thesis, to me they are just too abstruse.
quote or reproduce content according to copyright law but already. It is for your information yes allgemien to an accessible Source. Such may in my view, an independent Language also be cited. Nothing else I do.

way has not signed the aforementioned blogger called for the cease and desist letter.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How To Put On A Pad Vids

The lucky bean

Who this blog including comments attentively, will have noticed that I serve a few weeks ago as an advertising platform for psychic services. In the commentary to a posting advertises "Sherino" for his clairvoyance, Reiki skills, card reading and all the other things that make our lives worth living. Sherino pound claims to be a "famous clairvoyant. Now I know my the profession is not out of supernatural, but may annehemen however, that the Lord gave the word "famous" interpreted more freely.
"Sherino" is but a name for a gentleman, right? I assume that it is identical to Mark Peacock, who offered under that name until recently virtually the same. As spiritual welfare but a name change conveys something mysterious flight. "Mark," as ordinary.

What I did not know, are lucky beans that sold the best for a paltry € 15. Lucky beans but according Sherino only in our new:

Especially in South America, this lucky bean is an absolute must! Every family has at least one lucky bean in the house. If you store these lucky bean in the house, this house is protected. These lucky bean also protects against negative energies. It attracts money like a magnet.

Why are the only South American country still so poor, but if every family a legume lying around, which brings the money home.

wants to make money the good man of course, but that does not leave the beans. Therefore, he offers his services to the telephone. He calls it "The Helpline". The telephone number is given as large . The cost of 2.99 per minute but only as small . Because yes, the phone sex commercials on television honest.

Chances Getting Pregnant During Ovulation

Maria Esmeralda is back

long time I have nothing left of the fortune teller is one of my confidence. Maria Esmeralda. Incessantly they had made new offers, but how my life could still change for the better. Then it was after four multi-page letters at a time of silence. My proposal you to participate in my upcoming wealth, she had probably offended. I began to seriously worry about.
Until yesterday I was searching the free TV supplement my newspaper by a crossword puzzle. There it was again. This time with an almost entirely new trick:

These 3 coins from China, will allow you to get your 3 most pressing financial to fulfill wishes.

I was missing and is missing an understanding of how to have more financial than a wish. The first, I hope to always have enough money for all my wishes have available, as the second err ... again, let's say € 3.80, and third - I do not know. The first two wishes, I've been the rest of my life exactly € 3.80 too much.

Then comes what we already know from Maria: I have financial problem, blah blah, I want the people are privileged in 1134, blah blah. I need to pay anything for this - either now or later.

Here comes the new to the mesh. It's free! Although - the last time she had said yes too.

are also promised free the vital information on Feng Shui rituals. If they're actually as free as it is indispensable, one should perhaps publish on the Web.

I play with the idea to try it again. To this end I have to check only that four conditions are fulfilled by me first
I have a financial problem.
second I am an unlucky person (not a joke, which is in the display)
third I undertake to observe the rituals (which I do not know yet, but I do not throw dead cats on the shoulder. At night. Not in a cemetery. Not at all!)
4th Once I have solved my financial problem, I pass on the coins.

latter I enjoy. I may even add to € 3.80.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Free Beautiful Agony Free

Quote of the month (July '09)

The beginning of all science is the wonder that things are as they are.


Double Male Headphone Cable

I am the base of the company ...

... maybe the Jürgen but otherwise meant when he wrote in comment to last post, I would be "at the very bottom of society, cowards and informers."

Lieber Jürgen,

My anonymity has less to do with the fact that my readers of my blog not "Find" will. If you stick with the rules and mechanisms on the WWW have knowledge about something, you'll be able to my name (including home address) is completely determined legal in less than 60 seconds. Others can, too.

order to save you the trouble, I will provide the website in the coming days with an imprint. (Thanks to the anonymous commentator who has notified me RStV II § 55.)

In "Zaphod" is more of a nickname than an alter-ego. In addition, I would not want future employers end up with googling my name first on this blog. Professionally stand with me information that is other info in the foreground. Moreover
I can not find your full name and date. But this is not necessary. It's your opinion that counts here, your name. Thus continued encourages your views known to do!

would otherwise be very interested, the contribution made you so upset.

your "Zaphod"

PS It is always amazing and I still do not understand that critics cry of my blog and I think always first to the imprint. What do you expect? Will you send me flowers or kidnap my children?

PPS Dear Jürgen, was it really necessary to provide for the same 15 of my posts with the same comment? Have you no other hobbies?

Monday, May 25, 2009

How To Build A Sandrail

Babies for Rent

treat his children badly, enjoys a special reputation even today no more. Nevertheless, even mothers and fathers were allowed their young children for four days at RTL rent. The whole is then called "adult on trial." It should be sold off the rented children to older children to care. It is then not explicitly to small children, but young people are to see me, how is this so when one has to live with their own brats.

RTL defended this format now so that one must show the Postpubertierenden, which after a pregnancy comes to them. I think this is short-sighted.
The real parents then have four days so likes. As can tinker but also a television format of it. Why does it not time to show the parents what to expect when the little devils have only a few more years under their belts. Where you could just a few children quartered at the height of puberty. Then the pimply hormonal time bombs can really behave according to age. So really sucks!

The view that the small bundle of joy in a few years intolerable to this extent to be one or the other parent may bring the future to spend every minute with their backups, as long as they still tame are.

Tastsächlich course everything is not as bad as it seems. The children are in fact not really taken into the care of young people. Rather, the parents are always nearby, but outside of the viewing angle of the cameras. Thus, the sender could still for a minute film stress, suggesting that young people's total despair, while mom has long since put the chest in the little Kevin.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bmi At Which Women's Periods Stop

free of mind even when it comes to child porn

I've echauffiert few days ago about how perfidious the federal government in the wake of a generally accepted revulsion against child pornography, a tool for censorship of the Internet has prevailed. I consider the whole process will continue to be useless as a tool against child pornography but also helpful for future efforts to control the content of the Internet for German.

see with my skepticism, I am in the company of many writers in the free spirit forum. It would not be the free spirit forum, if one or the other did not have a bomb idea for the topic on the pan. As up to date "Athenist"

I think we should legalize the mere consumption and non-commercial distribution of child pornography. Everything else can one easily be attached. [...] I do not feel like it, just because of a stupid miscarriage of justice over weeks or shown to be months in the mass media as a "child molester" because someone is a joke and allows loads behind my back on my PC has Materiall appropriate.

The brain acrobat is therefore of the opinion that the use of child pornography should be allowed because he is too stupid to keep their computer clean? It shows once again that for some members of this forum "BSE" is not a foreign word. I'm curious how they developed the theme of the Forum of the spirit liberated. So far no one has used his brain placebo, to counter the perverse argument.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Can U Get Herpes From A Spin Bike

Maria Esmeralda (3)

yes I almost have believed Maria Esmeralda has failed me and my ignorance was against won their recalcitrance. But this was a Pyrrhic victory. She had my "file" simply passed on to Anne de Bretagne, her best friend. She describes herself as a "visionary and the only descendant of the visionaries of Kerizinen Finistère." That sounds impressive, of course, if you know who these famous seers of Kerizinen Finistère. I do not know. Google does not. will
What is the chance, the good Anne lives in the same 10,000-Kaff souls in Switzerland, as Maria Esmeralda. This indeed seems a paradise of clairvoyants to be.

Anne of Brittany, has now written to me. To keep my little cognitive effort, the letter is formatted exactly the same way as the previous Mrs Esmeralda. Just the picture in the corner is another old shrapnel and the printed signature is different. Even the back cover is the same as before and addressed to Maria Esmeralda.

Her answer shows some parallels to the recent letter from Switzerland. She wants me present a unique and invaluable key. Free course:

I think you'll be surprised, dear Zapod if you can find out why I'll hand over this key need, but you have to pay anything. Not now and not even later, although this key is priceless.

The correct spelling of my name and my family have apparently not yet made it into my file.
I want you the blah-blah, save explained with the will, why should I just get this key. Maybe I scan the letters one time, so you can watch it you if you ever need a little overcast.

end, the whole is that I actually the key free (and presumably also for free) can get. But only with a "GREAT DATED PROPHECY" This is so important that it is always written in capital letters. It costs but 40 € including shipping. This should
this unique key me be worth it? I think not.
way, there are a right of return in the prophecies. If I am not satisfied, I can send them back. Then I get back the money and may keep the key. Fair deal first, if I had even in the slightest confidence in the Swiss squad clairvoyant.
If someone is willing to make to 40 € willing, I will apply the key and tell you and the prophecy. My money me is too bad. The noble donor may then keep the key.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Buttons 1950s Toy Dog

Quote of the month (April '09)

[...] When I say "In the fridge is beer," I am a theologian. If I look, I am a scientist. If I look, find nothing and still maintain there is beer in it - then I'm esoteric "

Vince Ebert

Monday, April 27, 2009

Aasics Pursuit 2 Wrestling Shoes

The insidious censorship

long time I have watched in amazement as our Minister of Family Affairs on the subject of child porn lock your ignorance in the art for a walk led again and again I thought." can not the woman finally someone explain what they are speaking? "The longer I mitanschaue this, the more certain I am that Zensursula knows exactly what she does.

has very carefully they originally claimed that it was necessary to the people who make child pornography money , turn off the tap. Of the investigators were heard but quickly realized that so far no indication that it deserves someone money. Instead of a perverse exchanges with the other, until everyone every possible picture on the plate. So I always just consumers be determined, but never commercial suppliers. They are not simple.
has given you and then reloading, one must ensure that no innocent bystanders "hooked" to be. The idea is so stupid that I did not comment on like him.

now you pushed a useless lock, the only people able to impress the understanding of the art any more than our family minister himself.

Only in the days after that, the true size of the Super Mom of Lower Saxony. Am 20.04. the first time the bill was clear from that the requests are not only locked but also logged. It says the Ministry of vorgstellte and stop sign shown above the exact opposite.

Neither information about your IP address or other information by which you can be identified to be saved ... [...]

read here.

Now, after the initial excitement has died down, the next step is for the police state. The Federal Justice Ministry is considering a real-time monitoring of requests.

Staudigl Ulrich, spokesman of the Ministry described before, as one would have to imagine in the future: A

"due to the redirection to stop by an unsuccessful attempt to create a website with child pornography access, complies with the requirements of this offense and justified, therefore, necessary for criminal investigations suspicion "

Again in German. You can click the wrong link, even the law enforcement

The ministries threatens. family, justice and home affairs under the guise of child protection so successfully set a censorship tool in the service. The next step will be developed into a monitoring tool.
What comes next should be clear. lobby groups are demanding that even exchange pages for music and movies on the list come. Even Wikileaks is done for many a thorn in the eye. Overall Internet usage profiles in the generation of an initial suspicion would certainly hilreich.

As well, there are still open proxies. In contrast Ursula would certainly proceed even if they knew about it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How To Make A Concealed Weapon Purse

reason - Confused Ideas 1-0

Now it's official: Berlin will remain atheist!

As I already reported was to decide today whether religion should have a more significant role in Berlin's timetables. Whom Christians have mobilized not all. Popular figure as Tita von Hardenberg or Arne Friedrich, snoring nose like Günter Jauch. By Mariella Ahrens himself a jungle camp inmate could concern of large Posters stare and say, the survival of the West was at stake. Berlin looked like before the election.
The slogan was "In Berlin it's about freedom." Just a reminder, the second world war is lost, the blockade of the Russians, we have survived, the wall has already fallen. Now it was essential only for a schedule change. The

the Berlin was so important that as many as 29.2% turned out to vote. 50% would have been necessary. As if this was not defeat would have enough of those who have participated have also rejected the majority of pro-religion. So neither of the targeted goals were achieved. In the style of a politician could
Cardinal Sterzinsky sell the slap in the face of the Berlin even as a victory: "The many supporters of the initiative were encouraging." When talking to a result that is so beyond any expectation of "many supporters," clearly shows the distance from reality, which for this profession probably a precondition for employment.
To top it all the churches in the run even legal action against the Senate because of that tax money for campaigns against Pro-religion would have used. They got right. The campaigns for Pro Reli-financed the remainder of the church. If you stop by the rather meager sacrifice poles apart from that is - taxpayers' money.

The first sentence of this post is of course a simplification of the situation, but probably more correct than the estimate of the pro-religion-initiator Christoph Lehmann. Who said "Berlin is not atheistic city." Noticed he probably has the to be aware of the result said.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earthstove Model Tp40 Parts

The particular world view of the church

The representatives of the Christian religions have done so again recently to talk with interesting interpretations of the presence of himself.
occasion of his trip to Africa, all of our Pope has again pointed out that condoms against HIV were not such a good idea. Rather, they should kindly but waive all extra-marital sex. As the old bag has to speak, of course, easy. Whomever the least is about sex, would probably hardly taken his career.
What impact has it, when anti-pleasure abstinence is regarded as a substitute for safe sex, one can observe in the U.S.. When the hormones have been won over the power of the religious nonsense, the young people in general are not particularly well prepared. Where are European youths stocked with condoms have been surprised, the Ami-Kids still that the abstinence in the heat of the moment is not so easy.
The result is the highest rate of STDs among all industrialized nations and an increased amount of under-age pregnancies, the higher the influence the Church. To top it

the controversial opinion still has a few days later, the Bishop of Augsburg can be carried away to National Socialism and Communism as a result of atheism to call.

Perhaps such a message for the people of it: condoms for only atheists.